
Putting Good Indoor Climate on the Agenda

Venti AS is an innovative company that has been developing, producing, and selling products for the ventilation and plumbing industry in the Nordic region since 1973. Venti offers items like large kitchen hoods, air curtains, units, and complete system solutions for residential ventilation. They also manufacture ventilation ducts, fittings, and fire extinguishing materials at their factory in Hørning, just outside Aarhus.

We have relatively large quantities of surplus and leftover steel materials that are still 100% usable and should be upcycled directly.
Anne Balleby, Factory Manager at VENTI.

As a supplier in THE UPCYCL, Venti contributes items like rockwool, thin sheets, perforated sheets, and spacers for packaging protection. They joined THE UPCYCL to be part of the collective effort to lead the way in the fight for a more circular economy and more sustainable products — a cause they are deeply passionate about.

Learn more about Venti A/S here.

Membership in THE UPCYCL gives us access to a network of actors with whom we can collaborate and draw inspiration from. For Venti, it encourages us to further optimize our resources and create change for the environment
Anne Balleby, Factory Manager at VENTI.
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