Atelier Tonni

Unique and beautiful products hand-shaped from plastic waste

Atelier Tonni is an inspiring company with a sustainable approach to design and production. Founder Simone Mørch used to spend a lot of time sourcing materials herself, but with THE UPCYCL she now has better and easier access to many materials, freeing up more time for the company's core business and focus area - the creative tasks.

At Atelier Tonni, we used to spend a lot of time sourcing materials ourselves, and with THE UPCYCL I have better and easier access to many materials. This frees up more time for creative tasks, which is our core business and what we work for.
Simone Mørch, Owner of Atelier Tonni

The company designs and produces beautiful and unique objects from plastic waste in Copenhagen. Their products are a reminder that waste can be transformed into something beautiful and valuable, and Atelier Tonni has a vision to change the way we think about plastic waste.

"By upcycling residual and waste materials, we increase the value of already existing material and keep it in the use phase. In short, it's the only thing that makes sense when you have a business that makes physical products", says Simone Mørch, Owner Atelier Tonni.

Simone Mørch always creates her designs based on what the material can and "wants", and all products are handmade and unique. 

Atelier Tonni's products are a reminder that waste can be transformed into something beautiful and valuable, and their approach to design and production makes them an inspiring company.

Maybe I know I want to make a lamp or a bowl, but I always feel what the material is telling me.
Simone Mørch, Owner Atelier Tonni.


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