Art Installation made from Refrigeration Elements

Atelier Tonni, an art and furniture design studio, recently undertook the creation of a remarkable lamp using refrigeration elements sourced through THE UPCYCL's network of sustainable materials. This project is a brilliant demonstration of the recycling potential of New Waste-materials and a creative approach to the circular economy.

Refrigeration Elements from the Pharmaceutical Industry Transformed into an Art Installation on Bredgade

As a member of THE UPCYCL, designer and owner of Atelier Tonni, Simone Mørch, embarked on a quest to find the ideal material to create an impressive lamp and light installation. Her choice fell upon refrigeration elements originally from the pharmaceutical industry, now available as surplus materials thanks to THE UPCYCL's resource loop.

The finished lamp is an art installation in its own right. It was first exhibited at the "Offiicinet" gallery at Bredgade 66 from July 19th to July 31st and was sold during the exhibition.

The lamp's impressive size was carefully chosen to represent the shocking fact that we buy 37 kg of plastic packaging, of which only 5.6 kg is recycled. The lamp consists of nine elements that have been fused together, and although the refrigeration elements have been joined, there are still visible traces of their original form. A special characteristic of the lamp is the bluish illumination created by the liquid in the refrigeration elements, providing it with a unique aesthetic that varies depending on whether the light is on or off.

My membership is indispensable; THE UPCYCL holds tremendous value for me. I work exclusively with recycled plastic, and it's challenging to find it in smaller quantities. Additionally, it would be a lengthy process for me to source the leftover materials I want for my projects on my own. It's also difficult to find partners willing to part with their waste exclusively to me. So, THE UPCYCL enables me to fulfill my mission
Simone Mørch, owner of Atelier Tonni

Challenges in the Work Process

The work process behind this project was intense and demanding. Simone Mørch began by experimenting with other New Waste materials, such as the green acrylic sheets, but they proved difficult to work with when melted together. Her decision to work with refrigeration elements was not without challenges, as she had to spend time removing the tops of the elements to drain the liquid. Cleaning the refrigeration elements was also a time-consuming process that required countless working hours.

One Material and a Special Message

Atelier Tonni, founded in Copenhagen in 2021 by Simone Mørch, specializes in creating fine objects from plastic waste.

I mainly work with HDPE 'High Density Polyethylene,' which is a plastic material. I work with the mission of giving plastic waste and hard-to-recycle plastics a higher value and creating products where the plastic can be reused. I want to highlight how costly it actually is to recycle plastic - something many people are unaware of. There is a lengthy process involved in recycling plastic, including cleaning and treating the material. Many people believe that plastic is often recycled, but unfortunately, this is not the case.
Simone Mørch, owner of Atelier Tonni

Atelier Tonni's work with New Waste materials, such as the refrigeration elements, illustrates both the opportunities and challenges of the circular economy. This inspiring case demonstrates how creativity, collaboration, and dedicated efforts can transform surplus materials into beautiful and meaningful objects while highlighting the need for increased recycling and sustainability in our society.

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