Warm Nordic

Warm Nordic is a Danish design brand that embodies the Nordic aesthetic and has a strong connection to Scandinavian design history. With a wide range of classic furniture and lamps from the 1950s and 1960s, as well as modern designs by Danish and international designers, Warm Nordic bridges the gap between the past and the present, tradition and innovation.

Warm Nordic was founded by Frantz Longhi and preserves the design heritage of internationally renowned icons such as Hans Olsen, Knud Færch, Svend Aage Holm-Sørensen, and Arne Hovmand-Olsen. Artists like Jacob Hermann and Gunnar Cyrén also hold a special place in Warm Nordic. Among contemporary designers, you'll find Studio Føy, Isabel Ahm, Welling/Ludvik, and Rikke Frost, among others.

Warm Nordic believes that good design, whether it's iconic design classics or new designs, can make us a little happier in our everyday lives, especially when it radiates the quality, authenticity, and warmth that permeate the Scandinavian design tradition. That's why they take care to select their furniture, lamps, and other designs with a foundation in the warm Nordic aesthetic and ambiance.

In collaboration with THE UPCYCL, Warm Nordic is now beginning to incorporate New Waste materials into some of their designs.


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